Her hand dried up in manna

Her hand dried up in Manan 88 – on the authority of Hashan bin Hassan on the authority of Wasel Mawla Abi Ayyainah, on the authority of Musa bin Ubaidah, on the authority of Safiya bint Shaybah, who said : I was with Aisha – may God be pleased with her – and a woman came to her with her hand and he made women curse her and she said : I came to you except for my hand My father was a man of tolerance, and I saw in a dream men who were menstruating with watering vessels watering the one who came to them, and I saw my father, I said : Where is my mother? He said : Look, then I looked, and if my mother had nothing on her but a piece of rag, he said : She never gave charity except with that rag and fat from a cow they slaughtered, because that fat melted and softened with it, and she said and thirsted, she said : So I took a vessel of vessel and watered it, and I called from above : Whoever gave it to drink, God will dry his hand So my hand became as you can see