the tongue

As for the tongue, it is the translation of the person, and the one who performs his argument . Whoever sees his tongue cracks and is not able to speak, then he speaks words that he will suffer from, and from that he will suffer harm from what he saw of harm . It also indicates that he is lying, and that if he was a merchant, he lost his business, and if he was a governor, he was removed from his jurisdiction . And whoever sees that the tip of his tongue has been cut off, he is unable to make an argument in the argument . And if he was among the witnesses, his testimony was not believed, or his testimony was not accepted . Some of them said whoever saw his tongue cut off, he was sweet . And whoever sees as if his wife cut off his tongue, he will be kind to her . And whoever sees as if a woman is cut off her tongue, indicates her chastity and her concealment . If he saw as if he cut the tongue of a poor person, then he gives something to the fools, and from tearing his tongue to his palate, he denies a debt or trust he had