
As for the ironing : it has faces . Whoever sees it as a trace of an antique or a hadith emerging from the skin, it will strike a world of treasure . If he works with it in obedience to God Almighty, he wins . And if he acts with it in disobedience to God, then he will be ironed with that treasure that was gathered in the world on the Day of Resurrection, because God Almighty said, “ Then their foreheads and their south forbade it .” And it was said that the effect of old and new ironing, if cinnamon peeled off from it, did not hurt it, then it is the greatest medicine, the most informative and the strongest, then the course of the medicine will take place . Ironing was said painful words, and it was said round cauterization, stability in the matter of the Sultan or a property other than the Sunnah . And ironing was said to indicate marriage or childbirth . And it was narrated that Abu Bakr, may God be pleased with him, said : O Messenger of God, I saw in a dream as if I had two chin in my chest . He, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “ Two years will follow .”