The merit of Imam Yaqoub bin Sufyan

The virtue of Imam Yaqoub bin Sufyan 96 – Yaqoub bin Sufyan bin Jawan Al-Faswi (2) Al- Hadith Al-Hafiz, who was among those who compiled and classified with piety, asceticism and rigidity in adhering to the Sunnah, and Al-Hakim said : (( As for his hearing and his wife and members of his speech, it is too much to mention )) and Abu said Abd al-Rahman al -Nahawadi : I heard Yaqoub bin Sufyaniol : (( I wrote about a thousand sheikhs, and all of them broke trust )). And Yaqoub also said: (( I went on the journey for thirty years )) and Abu Zar’ah al-Dimashqi said : (( Two men of noble people came to us, one of them and they were deported by Yaqoub bin Sufyan, the people of Iraq could not see the like )) He died in the year seventy-seven and two hundred . Abdan bin Muhammad Al-Marwazi said : (( I saw Yaqoub bin Sufyan in sleep, and I said : What did God Almighty do to you? He said : He forgave me and ordered me to come to heaven as I was on earth )). And from God’s care about this Imam in his request for a hadith, which he told about himself, we used it as a lesson to students of knowledge. * Muhammad bin Yazid al-Attar said : I heard Yaqoub bin Sufyan say : (( I was on my journey and I spent my life, so I got addicted to writing at night, and I read during the day. Sitting, I copy in the lamp, and it was winter, and the water descended in my eyes, and I did not see anything, and I cried for myself because I was cut off from my country and what I had missed from knowledge, so my eyes overcame me, so I slept and saw the Prophet – may God bless him and grant him peace – , in sleep, I called : ( Oh Jacob, why did you cry? ? )) I said : O Messenger of God went Bosra Vthsart on what I missed . He said to me : (( Aden Mona )) Phinot him and ordered his hand on my eyes like reading Alihaa, and then I woke up Vobesrt, I took cursive and sat writing (1). Needless to education and virtues 97 – I know , O man , a Muslim to engage in Balnavlh of the best science from engaging Balnavlh of worship and that the imams of the four four said Shafie : asked the best science of prayer Fasts . Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal – God ‘s mercy and blessed us with his knowledge – what I prayed today is not obligatory, accounted for Bmmakrh Abi Zar’ah Ali Nawafly . It came in ((The Order of Perception )) by Judge Ayyad, 3: 234-235 , 240 , 261 in the translation of Imam Al- Muhadith , Al-Faqih Al-Abed Al-Zahid ( Abdullah Wahb Al-Qurashi of Egypt ), the companion of the Imam Malik Al-Layth, Al-Thawri and others, who died in the year 197 AH, may God Almighty have mercy on him, in which it was stated that Sahnoun said : (( Ibn Wahb had divided his life into three A third is in Rabat, a third is aware of Egypt, and a third is on the Hajj, and he mentioned that it is a thirty-six Hajj. His nephew said : I was with him in Alexandria, and the people gathered on him and asked him to spread knowledge, so he said to me : This is a country of worship, and his mother rarely gave myself in it with the work of the people, so he left Sitting for them at the times when he was sitting, and accept worship and guarding . After two days, a person came to him and told him that he had seen himself in a great mosque towards the Grand Mosque, and the Prophet – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – in it and Abu Bakr on his right, and Amr on his left, and you were between his hands, and in the mosque lamps were blossoming in the best and brightest of them. Then it was turned off, then the Messenger of God – may God bless him and grant him peace – said to you , O Abdullah, burn it and light it, then delay it, then I stayed for days and I saw all the lamps were going to be extinguished, so Abu Bakr said : O Messenger of God, do you see these lamps? He said – may God bless him and grant him peace – This is Abdullah’s work, he wants to extinguish it ! Ibn Wahb cried, and the man said to him : I have come to bring you good tidings, and if I knew that he was clouding you, I would not have come . He said : It is good, this is a vision in which I preached, I thought that worship was better than spreading knowledge, so he left a lot of ( time ) and his work for knowledge, and he confined himself to them reading him and asking him * Ibn Wahb said : I was in the hands of the king I wrote, then the prayer was established – and in another term the muezzin gave permission – There were published books in his hands, and I took the initiative to collect them, so the owner said to me : To your messengers, what you do is not better than what you are in .