Moses and Aaron, peace be upon them

And whoever sees Moses and Aaron, peace be upon them, or one of them, he will rejoice to you on his hands a mighty, unjust, and if he sees them while he is aiming for war, he will provide for the victory . And it was narrated that a maid by Saeed bin Al-Musayyib saw that Moses, peace be upon him, appeared in the Levant with a stick in hand while he was walking on the water . She told her visions happily, he said: “If you believed your vision, then Abd al-Malik bin Marwan died .” He was told what did you know? He said : Because God Almighty sent Moses to break the mighty ones, and I would only find Abd al-Malik bin Marwan there, and he was as he said . And whoever sees Job, peace be upon him, is afflicted with himself, his money, his family, and his son, then God will compensate him for all of that, and multiply for him, for the Almighty says : “We gave to him his family and their ideals .”