Joseph, peace be upon him

And whoever sees Joseph, peace be upon him, he will suffer injustice, imprisonment, and estrangement from his relatives, and he is thrown into shame, then he will come to a king and the enemies submit to him . It has been said in the expression that the brother is an enemy, and this is evidence of the abundance of charity for its owner, for the Almighty said : “And give alms to us .” It was narrated that some people saw as if Yusef, peace be upon him, had given him one of his slaves, and he noticed that he had become expressive . It was narrated that Ibrahim bin Abdullah al-Karmani saw as if Yusef, peace be upon him, spoke to him, so he told him to teach me what God had taught you, so he draped his own shirt, so he woke up and he was one of the expressers . On the authority of Ibn Sirin, she said : I saw in a dream as if I had entered the mosque, so I was with three sheikhs, and a young man had a good face next to them, so I said to the young man : Who are you, may God have mercy on you? He said : I am Youssef. I said : Are these sheikhdoms? He said : My fathers Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, so I said he taught me what God had taught you. He said so he opened his mouth and said : Look what you see, so I said I see your tongue, then he opened his mouth and said : Look what you see, so I said to your cheeks, then he opened his mouth and said : Look what you see, I said I see your heart Then he said, ~Do not be afraid,~ and what she told me became a vision, except as if I was looking at it in my hand .