In conclusion, visions that came true with Dr. Fahd Al-Osaimi

In conclusion of this book and in response to the desire of many, these are examples of what I expressed from my visions : Many desires came asking me to mention some of the visions that I expressed, and then they were fulfilled, and I would like here not to disappoint those who hold these requests, but I also like to clarify something that I am keen on secrets Therefore, I will not mention the names of the visionaries, nor will I mention the visions in which there may be very special things, for example, and I apologize in advance to everyone who read this topic and objected to it among the visionaries themselves . 1 / A questioner said that her aunt sees that she has golden bracelets on her, and harassed her, so I told her : If you believe your vision, it may be a simple infection in the windpipe and it will heal with God’s help . And she said, Glory be to God, I really have a tracheitis, may God reward you . 2 / A caller said I see a man I know is knocking on the door . So I said, What is his name? Muhammad Al-Wahaibi said, I said that, God willing, he will have a son, so he said, I have had the grace of God. I said : I called him Muhammad? He said yes, then I thank God . 3 / One of the questioners told me I see that I am hunting goats, or ducks, so I said, God willing, she will propose to a good girl, and her father will be a muezzin. He tells me later, when I wanted to engage, I went and found a man giving the call to prayer in the neighborhood mosque in which the girl lives, so he is the daughter’s father . 4 / A questioner said to me I saw that I would pay a chair to King Fahd – may God bless his life – so I said you would be employed with a job with such-and-such salary, she says, and from the next day she was hired for a little less, and she did not believe that she would be employed . 5 / A doctor told me : My husband sees that he never gets out from under his car . I said, are you going to travel? She said yes . So I said, Praise be to God, for safety, but I hope to check the car from below, specifically the column that turns underneath the car, and I did not know its name, and she told me later, my husband went in the car and found a defect in the place that you indicated to us . 6 / A woman said, I see that I cut the hair of a young daughter of mine, and her hair reaches her hip, so I said: Are you one of those who circumcise girls? She said, ~Yes, so I said, do the Sunnah in circumcision, and do not reduce it more than the limit stated .~ 7 / A father called Ali and said that his son sees that his back molar hurts him, so I said that your son suffers from the cruelty of the science teacher, so could I ask him, and he answered yes, so I said : Praise be to God, see the teacher, and he did . 8 / A man told me : I see that I go up the roof in the house, and I see a ladder, and I go up . I told him that someone is investigating and asking about you, and perhaps you addressed his daughter, and when I saw him after a while, he told me that what I mentioned about him has happened . 9 / A woman said I saw that I was breastfeeding a boy, and the amount of milk came out from my breasts forcefully and hit the wall . So I said I think you have a problem with the hormone milk, and you will recover and get pregnant, God willing . She said is what you say, thank God . 10 / A man told me I see my sister, and I see the sun rising from sunset . I said, I promised her and I left her, so I will fulfill what I promised her . He said, I promised her to perform Umrah and I could not . 11 / A woman said I see that I am slaughtering a sheep . So I said it is a vow that you did not fulfill, so do it . And she said yes . 12 / A woman said I see that I look at the Kaaba and it is destroyed . I said, ‘You are in a western country and you are always thinking of leaving it, but you do not . She said is what you say by God . 13 / A man called and said that I see that I am hunting a free bird and I got a dear camel, and I went up a mountain and found people who offered to buy the bird, so I said it is not for sale, and he mentioned the rest of the vision . So I said you are pursuing and practicing hunting? And you are the brother of one of the princes, and you have submitted a land grant and the matter will come out to you, and then some will offer you to buy it, so think carefully before selling . He said, “I love hunting, and I go out to him and I follow the time of the migration of birds. I submitted to one of the princes a request for a land grant and did not go out until now .” So I said, Praise be to God . 14 / One of the callers saw a woman coming to her, and she mentioned her name . 15 / A man called me and said I saw Gabriel, may God bless him and grant him peace, flying . So I said, ~Do you work in a job related to aviation?~ He said, ~Yes, I study flying,~ so I said I finished 600 flying hours and you had half left, so he mentioned a number very soon, praise be to God . 16 / Continuous: She said I see that I take two white and black strings out of my mouth, so I said to her : Sometimes you come from Satan with some obsession, and doubt about religion, so fear God . And she said, By God, that sometimes I observe the supererogues in addition to the obligatory prayers, but sometimes I hope and leave everything until prayer …. so pray for her that God confirm them on the religion 17 / A man said : My deceased father came to me and said to me : Do not destroy the mosque beacons, so I said : Yes, I said : Do not do this, it is not permissible . 18 / A man said to me : I see that I circumambulate and not complete . I said : You intend to multiply and do not do it? He said : Yes . 19 / A questioner called and said : I see that I am moving around and my mind is not with me !! I said : You know a man who took your mind but is manipulating you , so beware , and she said : It is what you say , and may God reward you well , and here is the benefit of warning about the bad meaning in some visions , and its impact on the life of its owner . 20 / A man said : I see that I eat rice and there are those who steal !! So I said to him : This is your project, and you are telling the idea of ​​an dishonest man . He said : Yes , what you said happened . 21 / man contact the program and told me : I saw the sun and the moon in the earth , and this was before the holy month of Ramadan , in 1428 of , I said to him : This is a difference between the people of vision , and the people of the account in determining the entry of the month , was what I got some of the bickering between the two parties ! 22 / A man said to me : I saw that I took a fuselage out of my mouth without pain , so I said : This is a child that annoys you , and he said : Yes, that is . 23 / A woman said : I see a snake in the mouth of a rose , so I said : Your husband promises you and succeeds , and you pray for him? She said : Yes , which is what I said , so I warned her and feared God .