Fingers’ vision

As for the fingers : a brother was born, according to what was said that the hand is a brother . And intertwine it without a tight hand . And engaging in the work of the household and the sons of the brothers, with a matter that they feared for themselves, and they pretended to pay it and its sufficiency . And it was said that the fingers of the right hand are the five daily prayers, the thumb is the Fajr prayer, the forefinger is the noon prayer, the middle finger is the afternoon prayer, the ring finger is the sunset prayer, the pinky is the dark prayer, and its shortness indicates shortcomings and laziness in it, and its length indicates his preserving the prayers, and the fall of one of them indicates abandoning That prayer . And whoever sees one of the fingers in the place of the other, he will pray that prayer at the time of the other . If he saw as if he was biting a human being, he indicates the bad manners of the bitten person, and the exaggeration of the bite in his discipline . If he sees milk coming out of his thumb, and blood from his index finger, while he is drinking from them, he should approach the mother of his wife or her sister . The cracking of the fingers indicates ugly words between his relatives . If the imam saw an increase in his fingers, that was an increase in his greed, his decency, and his lack of fairness . And it was narrated that Harun al-Rashid saw the angel of death, peace be upon him, had represented him, so he said to him : O king of death, how long have I left? He pointed to him with five fingers spread out from his palm, so he watched in horror, weeping at his visions, and he narrated them on a size that is described by the expression. He said : O Commander of the Faithful , he told you that five things he knew with God, which this verse brings together : “ God has the knowledge of the hour . ” The verse . Aaron and Farah laughed . The fingers of the left hand are the children of a brother and sister, and the nails are the ability of a man in this world, and the white of the nails indicates the speed of memorization and understanding, and seeing the nails in the amount of saladin and the world . And the treatment by it is evidence of fraud in collecting the world, its length with its goodness, money and clothing, and the preparation of an enemy weapon, or an argument or money, in order to avoid their evil . And its length, such that it is afraid of its breakage, is evidence of someone else taking charge of spoiling something in his hand, because he is overusing his ability . He pays zakat al-fitr, and if he sees it as though an old man has ordered his pen, then if he finds it, he orders him to make the commitment of himself and uphold his honor . Dyeing a man’s fingers with henna is evidence of a lot of armament, and dying a woman’s fingers with henna indicates her husband’s kindness to her . If he saw as if he had made her fall, she did not accept the pigmentation, then her husband did not show her love . If the man saw his palm faded by a monster, he would have toil in his pension, and if his right hand was pigmented by a monster, his visions indicated that he was killing a man . If he sees that his hands are dyed with henna, then he shows what is in his hand of good or evil, or of his money or of his earnings or his industry . If he sees his hands engraved with henna, he is trying a trick from the house, to spend some of the house furniture at his expense due to his lack of earnings, and his enemy insults him, and he gets humiliation . If a woman sees her hand engraved, he is deceiving her adornment in a matter that is right . If the inscription was clay, it indicated a large number of praise . If she saw the engravings of her hands mixed together, she would have injured her children . If she sees that her hand is cast with gold or engraved with it, then she pays her money to her husband or gives her joy from him, and if a man sees that he has been impregnated or engraved with gold, then he is deceiving a trick in which his money or his livelihood will go . The armpit hair : the length of proof of the need for Neil, the verse : ~ and Admm your hand to your wing white out of non – poor ~ and shows the religion of the owner and generosity . If he sees a lot of armpit hair, then he is a man who asks his executioner to collect money in knowledge, guardianship, trade and so on, and he does not return to the woman and religion . If there is much less, it indicates the large number of children .