The ram

The Ram : He is the huge impregnable man, like the Sultan, the Imam, the Emir, the commander of the army, and the one who commanded the soldiers . And indicates the muezzin and the shepherd . And the bold ram is the servile or eunuch for not being horned, because his strength is as much as his horns, and the boldest also indicates the lonely one who is robbed of his authority, and the negligence of his arms and his supporters . Whoever slaughters a ram who does not know why he slaughtered it is a man who will be victorious over it, or he will bear witness to it with truth, if his slaughter is according to the Sunnah and to the qiblah, and God Almighty mentioned for slaughtering it, and if otherwise he killed a man or wronged or tortured him . If it was slaughtered for meat, then its interpretation is based on what was previously mentioned regarding camels and cows . And if he was slaughtered for asceticism, he will repent if he was guilty, and if he was in debt, he paid off his debt and fulfilled his vow and drew near to God in obedience, unless he was afraid of being killed, imprisoned, sick, or imprisoned, for he would be saved because God Almighty saved Isaac, peace be upon him, and the beautiful praise came to him and his father And he kept it as a year and a liturgy, and it is close to the Day of Judgment . And whoever slaughters a ram and was in a war, he will have great enemies . And rams slaughtered in a place, people killed . Whoever bought a ram, an honorable man would need it, and he would be saved from disease or destruction because of it . And whoever sees a ram that he repents, something he hates will strike him from his enemy, and if he guts, he will be hurt or insulted from among them . And the horn of the ram was taken forbidden, and its wool was the injury of money from an honorable man, and he took his guardianship over some of the nobles and inherited his money or married him to his daughter, because the goddess is after the ram . And taking it in the belly of a ram is taking it over the treasury of an honorable man, to whom that ram is attributed . And whoever carries a ram on his back, he will receive the supplies of an honest man . And whoever saw a ram butting a woman’s vagina, she would take the hair of her vagina with a snip . And the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “ I saw as if I was a ram of a ram, so I decided to kill a ram of a people . I saw as if my sword blew it broke, so I decided that it was killing a man from my clan .” He killed Hamza, may God be pleased with him . And the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, killed Talha, the owner of the polytheists brigade . And whoever strips a ram, distinguishes between a great man . And whoever kneeth on it, he can . The fat of rams and ewes, their milk, their skins, and their wool is money and the best of those who have struck it . And whoever is given a sacrifice will befall a blessed son . And whoever sees that he is fighting a ram, he is quarreling with a huge man, so whoever defeats them will be the victor, because they are two different types . As for the two types that agree, such as the two men, if they quarrel in a dream, then the defeated is victorious . And whoever rides anything of lamb will become fertile, as does the one who eats cooked meat . And whoever sees in his house slaughtered of lamb, there is a person who dies, as well as the member of the beast, and eating raw meat is backbiting, and fattening meat is better than its slaughtered . And he saw a man as if he had become a ram rising in a tree with many peoples and leaves, so he cut it on a crossing, and said : You will gain leadership and memory in the shadow of an honorable man who has money and account, and perhaps you served a king of kings . So, the believer in God used it .