The camel

The camel : a woman, a year, a tree, a ship, a palm tree, or a knot of the knots of the world . Whoever owns it or rides it will marry if he is single, or he travels if he is traveling, or else he owns a house or land or a profit or a collection . The milking of it took advantage of what was required of it and benefited from what was evidenced by it, unless it was sucked in it, then it would attain humiliation . As for the nomads, hugs, dome and muhafas : all of these are women, because they are blinded and installed, and whoever sees an unknown camel yielding milk in the mosque, the rehab or the plantings, it is a fertile year, unless the people are under siege, fear, sedition, or heresy, then this is removed due to the emergence of instinct, because Camel milk is common and Sunnah . The Arab camel attributed to a woman is the honorable Arab woman . It was said that camel meat was cooked as a permissible sustenance, and it was said that it was fulfillment of a vow for the Almighty saying : “ All food was a solution for the children of Israel except for what he forbade Israel to be .” It was said it is carrot meat . And the camel for the one who rides it is a righteous woman . And the rip-off of the camel travel in righteousness . And the helpless travel in which he is afraid to cut the road . And it was said that touching the faction and every small child was sad and busy . It was narrated on the authority of Ibn Sirin that he was asked about a man who saw a camel and said : She will marry . Another asked him about a man he saw as if he was driving a camel, and he said : The rank and obedience of a woman .