From the vision of the righteous- 6

Abu Muhammad Abdullah bin Ali bin Hammad told us, on the authority of Abu Saeed Ismail bin Ibrahim, he said : I heard Abu Ishaq al-Khawas in al-Sham say : A man used to serve Dawood al-Ta’i and was nicknamed Abu Abdullah . He said to him : If you die, wash me and do not tell anyone about me . He said, when he died, I saw him in a dream about Naguib in a hodge, which has four thousand doors, with a relaxed silhouette, and the wind fails, so I said, O David, pray to God to join me . He said : Save three times from me : heal your stomach sores with hunger, and cut off the world with sorrow, and prefer the love of God Almighty on your desires and do not care when it is received .