From the vision of the righteous- 7

Abu al-Qasim al-Husayn bin Bakr bin Harun told us, on the authority of Abu Muhammad al-Marashi, on the authority of Ahmad bin Muhammad bin al-Hajjaj, who said : I understood the most correct of al-Shafi’i, Malik, and Ahmad bin Hanbal, may God be pleased with them, and all those who lead to jurisprudence, so I disagreed on their statements and their differences in matters, so I liked to take the most correct Their words, I asked God Almighty to show me the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, in sleep, so he fell in my mind that you would see Friday night, so when Friday night was in magic and I had finished my rose, and I sat on my back waiting for the muezzin, my eyes overwhelmed me and I fell in my mind that the Prophet prayed May God bless him and grant him peace is coming to me, so a man entered me with pallets and white clothes, and he greeted and sat, then the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, came and greeted him and kissed him between his eyes and saw him on the epithet that was with me, and on the quality that was with me, and with a group of his companions, so he sat and sat between his hands So I asked him about issues, then I finished with what I had in jurisprudence, so I asked him about an issue and he said : I am according to what he says, and he nodded to the inside before him . Then I asked him about another one, and he said : According to what he says this, then I asked him about the issues of disagreement, and he was in his hand every day and he says on what he says this, so it fell into my mind that he was Ahmed bin Hanbal . I said, O Messenger of God, you have been tested . He was patient and said to me : See what God has done to him, then he turned to me and said : Pray with us the next day, so I said, O Messenger of God, I do not need that . Then the prayer was established and the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, came forward and prayed with us saying : Peace be upon you and the mercy of God . So I went to my right, and then I realized that I was facing the qiblah .