From the vision of the righteous -8

Al-Walid bin Ahmed told us, on the authority of Abd al-Rahman bin Abi Hatim, on the authority of Muhammad bin Yahya al-Wasiti, on the authority of Muhammad bin al-Hussein, on the authority of Yahya bin Bastam the Younger, on the authority of Yahya bin Maymun, on the authority of Wasel Mawali Ibn Uyaynah, on the authority of a man from Belharith, called Salih al-Barad, He said : I saw Zrarara bin Ufa after his death in my sleep, so I said, may God have mercy on you, what were you told and what did you say? So turn away from me, so I said what God had done for you? So he came to me and said : Please give me his presence and generosity . He said : I said, and Abu Ala Yazid is Mutrif’s brother? He said, Well, it has become to the pleasure of God Almighty . I said brother is a fool? He said : That is in the high degrees . I said, which business is more beneficial for you? He said : Tawakkul and shortening hope .