the ship

Al- Arkan : a sign of everything that is saved in it, which indicates drowning, because God Almighty saved Noah, peace be upon him, and those with him from what was brought down by the infidels from drowning and calamity . And indicate Islam, by which it is saved from ignorance and sedition . Perhaps it indicated the wife and slave girl who shields and be saved from fire and temptation, because God Almighty called her a slave girl . Perhaps it indicated the father and the mother who had the deliverance from death and need, especially since she is like the mother who carries her son in her womb . Perhaps it indicated the path on which the people of faith would escape from the fire, and perhaps it indicated prison, worry and reason if it stagnated, for the story of Yunus, peace be upon him . Whoever sees that he has boarded a ship in the sea, look at his condition and the outcome of his affairs, and if he is an unbeliever, he becomes Muslim, especially if he ascended to it from the middle of the sea after he was certain of the death, and if he was guilty, he repented of his sin . And if he was poor, he would get rid of after his poverty . And if he is sick, he has recovered from his illness, unless his knee is with the dead, and there is what confirms death in the vision, so riding her is a salvation from the temptation of this world . And if he was awake and he was a student of knowledge, he accompanied a scientist or benefited from a flag with which he would be saved from ignorance, to ride Musa with the vegetables, peace be upon him, in the ship . If he saw that a debtor spent his debt and removed his concern . And if he sees that, he will be deprived of his livelihood . May God grant him sustenance from a point where it does not count, if it is flowing with it in its torus, this indicates the wind of profit, and Tareus the desire . If he sees this as a celibate, he marries a woman or buys a maid who can protect him and keep him safe . And if he sees a dead person in the House of Truth, he will escape and win the mercy of God Almighty from the fire and its horrors . Likewise, in the upside down, if he sees someone in the sea as if he is in the crowd and has ridden on the path and its shortness, then he escapes in his ship and its passage from the horror of its sea and its accidents, unless in a dream it is badly struck by him in his passage from the fire, then he gets it in the sea like that and the like . And if it was taken in a prisoner, he escaped from his imprisonment and caused his escape, and if he reached the coast of the sea or went down to land, that would be faster, faster and better . And if he saw the ship stagnant and the waves of the sea stormy, his imprisonment lasted if he was imprisoned and his illness prolonged if he was sick, and as long as he could not livelihood and he was unable to travel if he tried to do so, and he could not reach his wife if he had committed her protection, and he stopped seeking knowledge if he was a student. Especially if it is in the winter and in the sea . This may indicate imprisonment, when Yunus, peace be upon him, was confined in the belly of the whale when his ship stopped . However, the outcome of all what we have described is good, God willing, and the salvation of the essence of the ship and what was presented to it and in it such as the salvation of Noah, peace be upon them, and the survival of the ship from the angry king, because the vegetables reproached it and took off a board from its boards, with the good consequence of Yunus, peace be upon him. After his condition, and what was revealed to him . Therefore, they said that if the ship was damaged or opened, those in it would escape, unless its passenger goes out to land or pursues it, and there is no good in it . If he was sick, he died and was carried into the dirt carrying a hideous load, and if he was in the sea, he was damaged, and perhaps his boat would break because of its flow other than its course . Rather, from his wakefulness habit, if he pushes Tatarus to land, he is broken and damaged . And if a knowledgeable seeker saw that his ship went out to land and drove it on him, he went out in his knowledge and controversy to heresy, hypocrisy or fornication, because debauchery is a departure from obedience, and the origin of prominence and injustice and preventing something in its place, then from boarding the ship from the water in which it survived and it is protected To the ground that it is not customary to run on, for its occupant has also departed from the truth and the old infallibility . If that was not, then perhaps he would break with his wife and stay with her according to his condition, or perhaps he would free his slave-girl and persist in her intercourse with the king, or perhaps his industry was exhausted and his livelihood would be impossible, so he would seek him back from where he should not . And if his ship was driven in the air on other than water, then all that is indicated by it is lost, either a soldier because of its service, feathers and equipment, or it is installed from the rest of the ships, and it may indicate the coffin of one who was sick among the sultans, rulers, scholars and chiefs, and some of them said : Who saw that he was In a ship on the sea, inside a great king or sultan . The ship is a escape from distress, anxiety, disease and imprisonment, for whomever sees himself as its owner . If he sees that he is in it, he is in it, unless he escapes and if he leaves it, his salvation will be faster, and if he is in it while he is on dry land . The worry was more intense and the deliverance was further, and if the isolated wall saw that he had boarded in a ship, then he would follow the mandate of the greatest king as far as the sea, and the guardianship would be according to the provisions of the ship and its capacity, and after the ship from the land after him from isolation . And it was said that riding a ship in the sea is a journey of severity and danger, and its distance from land, after it from the vagina . And if he is in a matter, then he takes a risk, then if he goes out of it, then he will escape and disobey his Lord, because the Almighty said : “ When he did not lead them to righteousness, then they would share .” If the visionary has gone his state, or he is a merchant whose trade has been lost, then the ship will return . If the ship sank and was hung from it with a board, then the Sultan would be angry with him if he was a governor, then he escaped and the state returns to him . And if he was a merchant, then he decreased his money and compensated for it, and if he drowned then he is like a drowning man . And whoever sees that he is in a ship in the middle of the sea, then he will be in the hands of those who fear him, and his death will be a salvation from the evil of what he fears . His ship sank and its panels dispersed misfortune for him in the one he is dear to . And it was said that the shipwreck was a journey in safety, because God Almighty said : “The ark was made fun for you to run in the sea at His command .” The ship loaded with people is safe for the one who is in it on a journey, for God Almighty says : “We delivered him and whoever is with him in the charged ark .” And taking oars of the ship hit the flag or get money from a complaint . And he took the rope of the ship, Hassan al-Din and the companions of the righteous without leaving them, for God Almighty said : “And hold fast to the ropes of God all and do not separate .” And it was narrated that a man came to Ibn Sirin and said : I saw as if I was in a black ship with nothing left but the ropes . He said : You are a man whose religion is nothing left but sincerity, and the ropes of the ship are the owners of religion .