The increase or decrease in the ears

If he sees that he has increased or decreased in the adhaan or changed its wording, then he oppresses the people to the extent of the addition or the decrease . And if he calls the call to prayer on a street, if he is one of the people of goodness, then he enjoins good and forbids evil, and if he is among the people of corruption then he strikes, and whoever sees as if he is calling the call to a wall, then he calls a man to reconciliation, and if he gives the call to prayer over a house then his family will die, and if he gives the call to prayer over the Kaaba, then he An innovation appears, and the call to prayer in the interior of the Kaaba is not praiseworthy, and whoever calls the call to prayer on the roof of his neighbor is betraying his neighbor to his family . And whoever calls forth among a people who did not answer him, for among people there is darkness, because God Almighty said : “ Then the one who authorized among them is that the curse of God is upon the oppressors .”