Pear ~ pear ~

And pears : At its time a livelihood or absent came or came, and at other times a disease came if it was yellow, or they came if it was green . If a patient sees that he is eating a pear, he is cured . And he did not have a disliked name and a disliked origin that was compiled on him at all times, such as al-Kharnoub : a ruin of his name, and what was narrated from Solomon, peace be upon him, in it . Perhaps green figs and white grapes in winter indicated rain, and the blacks of them all for the cold . This may be at night or the first day in the day, so whoever is accustomed to that in both of them or the public sees him or in the markets or on the roofs, that is his interpretation, and the concern in that is not practiced, because the rain with its benefit and goodness is a reason for the traveler, and a holiday for the craftsmen under the air, and the towing and demolition and mud . The green fruit outside its period, which is valid in its time, if it is accompanied by a witness preventing its harm in this world, may indicate forbidden livelihood and money if it is eaten or owned by someone who has no way to it and who is forbidden from it .