
The palm tree : He is the man of knowledge, and his son and his death cut him off, and the palm tree is a man from the Arabs, Haseeb Nafaa, an honorable scientist who is obedient to people, his origin is his clan, and his trunks are calamitous, for God Almighty says : “ Let me crucify you in the trunks of the palm .” And his anguish of his companions strengthens them and their hands, for extra fronds for children and offspring . And the date palm injury is a lot for the governor and trade for the merchant, and the marketer has a gain . Perhaps one palm tree was an honorable woman of many goodness and remembrance . And the dry palm is a hypocrite . And whoever sees as if the winds uprooted the palm trees, an epidemic occurred there, and perhaps that was a torment in that town by God Almighty or the Sultan, and money poured into it, because God Almighty said : “It has a scent equal to the livelihood of worshipers .” Saw Mr. Humairi the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him like in the land of marsh with Nakheel, and to her good land is not a plant where, he said , peace be upon him : Do you know who this land? He said : No, he said : This is for the man of Al Qais bin Hajar. Take this date palm that is in it and plant it in that good land . So I did what he told me to do, and when I came to Ibn Sirin while I was a boy, I told him my vision, and he smiled and said : Oh boy, do you say poetry? I said no . He said : As for you, you will say poetry like a man of measure except that you say about pure people. The mention of palm trees has been mentioned at the beginning of the chapter .