the banana

Bananas : As for bananas, the seeker of this world has a livelihood that he receives according to his grooming, and the one who seeks religion in it according to his will has power in his worship . The tree bananas indicate a rich man believer good manners, and its plant in Dar evidence of the birth of a son, God Almighty said : ~ The Talh plantains ~ , a banana, not hurt him , color and acidity nor premature, a money total . His tree is one of the most generous trees, and its leaves are the best and broadest of paper, and the interpretation of that is good for the person to whom his tree is attributed . And every sweet fruit except what has been described, which has a yellowish color or is sour, was not realized in its known time, for it is provision, money and goodness . Its survival is as long as that fruit remains with the fruits, and the lightness of its supply and the hastening of its emergence and its benefit to its people, except for black grapes and figs, for there is no good in them anyway . And whoever thinks that he has struck something from the fruit, then there is nothing wrong with it in his time if it contains what is desirable from the kinds of goodness described, such as livelihood, religion and knowledge . If his conscience is that these fruits are among the fruits of Paradise, then it is a science and religion that is beyond doubt. Otherwise, according to what the venerable tree has been described, a man of abundance . And whoever is plucked from a tree while sitting, it is money that befalls him without hard work or fatigue . His word, the tree, was what he agreed with, and what was said about that was a wondrous matter that people marveled at . It was said that the tree is a woman, if she has something similar to a woman, and that woman should be the mother of a king, a woman, a daughter of a king, or a servant of a king .