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Gripping fire : searching for a matter until it becomes clear to him, whoever sees it as if he has set fire to pray with it, a tough-hearted man who has authority, and a strong man of strength with severity of poverty and his use of it, sought help from them, for if they meet they establish the basis of the rulers of the Sultan, and they indicate it, because the stone is a cruel man Iron is a man of strength, and fire is power . And if the woman saw that she had set fire, then it burned and lit up with its blast, she gave birth to a boy, and if he saw that he knocked a stone on a stone, and slammed a fire from them, then two tough men fight hard and abduct them in their fight, because the spark with swords, and some said the trigger of his slamming indicates the marriage of the bachelor The fire is suspended, because the wife becomes pregnant and the child comes out between the spouses, and it may indicate evil between them or between two opponents or two partners, and the sparks are the words of evil between them, and if she burns a garment or body, that evil takes place in money, honor or body . And if you burned a Qur’an or a sight, that was a defect in religion .