Nadera Al-Tafil Bin Amr

Purification when the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, sent the Arabs. Tafil ibn Amr al-Dousi went out with the Muslims and walked with them until they approached Taliha and walked until we found, then Quba with the Muslims to the dove. He said to his companions that I saw that my head was shaved and that a bird came out of my mouth and that a woman met me and put me in Her vagina and I saw my son demanding me vigorously, then I saw him locked up on my behalf. They said good, I saw, and he said: As for me, I handled it. He was hit by what happened to me, so he killed the parasite as a martyr with the dove and severely wounded his son, then he drew from it and then killed the year of Yarmouk