
The woman : the perfect is an indication of what is taken from her name, either from worldly matters because it is worldly, pleasure and pleasure, or from the matters of the hereafter because it corrects the religion . And perhaps it indicated the authority, because the woman is ruling over the man with passion and desire, and he is in this and pursuit of her interests like a slave . And it indicates the Sunnah because it carries, gives birth, and yields milk, and perhaps it indicates the land, the feddan, the orchard, and other compounds . Whoever saw a woman who entered him or her king or judged her, or laughed at him or came to him, looked into his matter if he was sick with a stomach and the like, or if the woman was described as camel or she thinks she is hot, then he will receive the testimony . If not, but she is one of the women of this world, then he escaped from what he is in and attained this world . And if a poor person saw that, he would benefit money . And if he sees that whoever has a need with Sultan, let him plead with her and fight her . If he sees that he has an absent ship or animal, then he should offer him what he is pleased with . If a prisoner sees that, then he is released because of her beauty and the vagina that is with her, and if someone sees that treating an implant or an implant, then he should continue and treat it . If he sees it to the public, then it is something that is presented to people or descended in them . If she had a prominent face, her matter was apparent . And if she was veiled, her matter was hidden . If it is beautiful then it is pleasant, and if it is ugly then it is ugly . If she exhorts them, instructs them and denounces them, then it is good in religion, and if she opposes them, touches them, accepts them, or exposes her nakedness to them, then it is a temptation in which it perishes and is tempted by it from the pain of it or obtained something from it in the dream or it obtained in dreams, and it may be a fortress and spoils in that The year they are in . And if he sees it in the midst of people or in the mosque, because good may be a trial, because God Almighty says : “And we honor you with evil and good is a trial .” If he sees it entering them or going down to them, then it is the year that comes after they are in .