
The needle : It is a sign for the woman and the woman to puncture it, and inserting a thread into it is a good tidings of intercourse and inserting a thread other than it is a warning, because God Almighty says : “ They will not enter Paradise until the camel enters the tailor’s poison .” As for if he sews people’s clothes with it, then he is a man who advised them or seeks righteousness among them, because advice is the thread in the language of Arabs, the correct needle, and the advisor tailor . If he sews his clothes, he will be rich if he is poor, and he will be reunited if he is wasted, and if he is corrupt . And if he definitely relieved it, then he repents from backbiting or asks forgiveness for a sin if his honor is sound and perfect. Otherwise, he apologizes for the falsehood and the one who solds repents and does not dissolve from the owner of the darkness, and from it it is said that whoever repents has breached, and whoever repents has been pardoned . The needle is a man who is an author or a woman who is an author, and if he sees as if he is eating a needle, he leads his soul to something that harms him . And if he sees that he has stuck a needle into a person, he is stabbed and someone stronger than him falls into him . It was narrated that a man came to Ibn Sirin and said : I saw as if I were given five needles with no breach . Through his vision, some of Ibn Sirin’s companions said : The five needles in which there are no children were pierced, and the pierced needle was an imperfect child, and he had children according to his expression . Most of the expressions said that the needle in the interpretation is the reason for what he is demanding of the righteousness of his command, its collection, or its healing, and likewise if it was two, three or four, and what was of it with a thread, the ratification of its healing is closer, and the amount of that is to the extent that it was written with it . And if there are a few needles that he works with and sews with, it is better than many that he does not work with, and the quickest approval, and if he sees that he hit a needle with a thread or he was sewn with it, then he is healed and what was of his order is separated, and he is fit . If he sees that his needle, with which he is sewn, or that there is a thread in it, is broken or pierced, then his affairs are separated . Likewise, if he sees that it was taken from him or burned, and if it is lost or stolen, he supervises the dispersal of that matter and then heals 0 and the thread : Evidence, so whoever sees that he took a thread, he is a man asking evidence for something he is about to say : “ Until the white thread becomes clear to you from the thread. The black ~.