the knife

The knife : whoever benefits her in a dream will report to a wife if he is celibate, and if his wife is pregnant, her son is blessed, and if she has what supports the male, then she is a male, otherwise she is a female . The spear . If he did not have a pregnancy, and he was asking for a witness with the right, he found him . If it was past, the witness was just, and if it was not past or with remnants, his witness was wounded, and if he was covered by a cover for him or his testimony was rejected for incidents that appear from him in other than the testimony . If there is nothing of that, then it is a benefit from the world that he can obtain, or a connection to it, or a brother who accompanies him, or a friend who befriends him, or a servant who serves him, or a slave who owns him on the approval of people . If he gives a knife that has no other weapon with her, then the knife from the weapon is Sultan, and so is the dagger . And the knife is an excuse, because God Almighty says : ~And each one of them brought a knife .~ And it was said that whoever sees in his hand a knife when he does not use it, then he provides a son with a bag, and if he sees as if he is using it, then it indicates the cessation of the matter in which he is .