Twine a thread

If he sees that he has twisted a thread and puts it in the neck of a person and pulls or pulls it, then he calls for corruption, and likewise if he sees that he has slaughtered a camel with a thread . As for the intricate strings, they indicate magic . And whoever sees that he is twisting a rope or string or twisting it on himself or on a reed or a stick or other things, then it is a journey in any case . If he sees that he is spinning wool, hair, or goat, which men spin like him, then he will have good in his travel . If he sees that he is spinning cotton, linen or silk, and in that he is imitating women, then he attains that and does a lawful work that is not recommended for men, so if a woman sees that she is spinning something from that, then if he is absent from her, then he is presented from a journey . If she saw that she had hit a spindle, if she was pregnant, she gave birth to a slave girl, otherwise she would hit a sister, and if there was in the spindle her daughter or sister got married, then if the spindle wire was cut off, the traveler stayed on her, and if she saw her headscarf removed from her or all of it, then her husband would die or divorce her . Some of it is burned . The husband was hurt and feared Sultan . Likewise, if she saw her spine fell from her spindle, her daughter divorced her or her sister . If her veil was stolen from her, and the khimar is attributed in interpretation to a man or a woman, then a person assassinates her husband in himself, his money, or some of his family . If the thief is attributed to a woman, then her husband strikes another woman, whether permissible or forbidden, and likewise the course of falaka 0