
The inscription : Originally, it indicates joy and honor if the garment is not stained with it. If the garment is stained with it, it indicates a disease and that the one who stained it with it falls into it and throws it with a defect, and his innocence of that defect appears to people . And he may stain his robe in wakefulness as he saw it . The supply is extended and elevated, and the book is strength . Whoever sees in his hand a book that attains power, because God Almighty says : “ O Yahya, take the book with strength .” The book : A well-known news if it was published, and if it was sealed, it is a hidden news . And if it is in the hand of a boy, then it is good news, and if it is in the hand of a servant, then it is news of good news and joy, and if it is in the hand of a woman then he is expecting something in joy . If it is published and the woman is veiled, then it is a hidden news that he orders him to do . If she is good-looking and beautiful, then it is news and a command in which there is good praise, and if the woman is a savage, then it is news about a beast . And whoever sees folded books in his hand, he will die soon, because God Almighty says : “ On the day we fold the heavens like we fold the books for books .” If he sees that he has taken a leaflet from the imam, then he will obtain authority, bliss and grace if it is possible, otherwise he will be afraid of slavery . If he saw that he carried a sealed book to a person, he should refer it to him . If he was a sultan and an army came to him, then they were defeated . Although he was a trader, he lost his trade . If he was engaged, he did not get married . If he sees his book with his right hand, it is better . If there is a quarrel, doubt, or confusion between him and a person, then the statement will come to him . And if he is in torment that will bring relief, because God Almighty says : “ We sent down to you the Book, to clarify everything and is guided .” If he is insolvent, distressed, or absent, then it is easy for him and he returns to his family gladly . Taking the book with the right is all good, and if he gives his book with his left hand, he will regret doing what he did . And whoever takes a book from a person with his right hand, he will receive the most honorable thing for it . For God Almighty says : ~To take us from him with the right hand .~ And if an unbeliever sees in his hand a Qur’an or an Arabic book, then he is let down or falls into distress, distress or distress . Whoever looks in a newspaper and does not read what is in it is an inheritance he will receive . And it was said that he who saw as if he had torn a book, his anguish and sedition were removed from him, and he obtained good . Likewise, if the believer sees with his hand a Persian book, he will be humiliated and distressed . And whoever saw that he had a sealed book, he would submit to a king, and his investigation would seal it . Because Belqis turned to Solomon, peace be upon him, when he delivered a sealed book to her, and one of the reasons for the book was her entry into Islam . And whoever saw that he had given him a newspaper and found a piece that was wrapped in it, it is running with a rope . Ibn Sirin said : Whoever sees that he is writing a book, he is gaining a forbidden gain because God Almighty says : “ Woe to them from what their hands are written, and woe to them from what they gain .” The inscription : On the hand of a man is a trick that tracks humiliation, and women have a trick to acquire . And whoever sees that a verse from the Qur’an is written on his shirt, then he is a man who clings to the Qur’an . Writing with the left hand is ugly and delusional, and children may be born to him from fornication, or he may become a poet .