the pen

The pen : indicates what a person remembers, and the rulings are implemented because of it, such as the ruler, the scholar, the ruler, the tongue, the sword, and the male child . And perhaps indicated by the dhikr, and the supply is his sperm and what is written in it . Perhaps he indicated the track, the fingers of his husbands, and his supply of his seed, but it leads to the truths of his interpretation with the facts of the scribes and the increase of visions and consciences, and what is in awakening of hopes . And it was said that the pen indicates knowledge . Whoever sees that he has hit a pen, he will hit a flag that matches what he saw in his dreams that he was writing it with it . And it was said that it enters into a guarantee and a guarantee, because God Almighty said : “ And you did not have them when they cast their pens, whichever one would be the guarantor of Mary .” And it was narrated that a man said to Ibn Sirin : I saw as if I was sitting with a pen next to me, so I took it so I wrote with it and I saw another pen on my right, so I took it and wrote with both of them and he said : Are you absent? He said yes . He said : It is as if you were presented with him . If a writer sees that he has a pen or a pen in his hand, then he insures poverty for his craft . If he sees as if he has benefited from the whole writing instrument, then he afflicts writing with an inclusive leadership that surpasses his peers from the book . And this is how everyone who saw that he had benefited from one tool of his craft was safe from poverty . If he sees that he has struck a university profession, he will attain a university leadership there . And the railway by which the pen is cut, indicates the son of the envied bag . And it was said that whoever saw an iron knife in his hand, he would return to a woman who had left before . For God Almighty says : “ Say: Be stone or iron, or a creation of things that will grow in your chests, and they will say He who brings us back, say who broke your fast the first time .” The pen is the command and the prohibition and guardianship over every craft, and the pen values ​​everything . It was said the pen was born a writer . And when a man saw as if he had acquired a pen, he recounted his vision on a crossing, and it was said to him : A boy who learns good knowledge is born to you . The Aldoah : Fajadmh and benefit by a woman, and like before was born . Whoever sees that he is writing from a drum, buys a maid and has intercourse with her, and he has no slowness and no standing, and it is said that he who saw that he hit a drum, he will quarrel with his wife or someone else . If he was then a good witness, he married a relative of him . And it was narrated that a man saw as if he was fit for a treadmill, so he recounted his visions on a crossing and she said : This is a man who comes to the males . Most of the commentators said that the dawat is a wife and a shaked one, as well as the inkwell . The pen is mentioned, even if his wife was her money or benefit, or her concern and her affliction, especially if his face or his clothes were blackened . The dowel may indicate the ulcer, the pen on the iron, and the length of time, for whoever sees that his body has a ring, and he derives from it with the pen, and whoever sees that he writes in a newspaper, he inherits an inheritance . God Almighty said : “ This is in the first papers, the papers of Abraham and Moses .” If he sees that he is writing in Papyrus, then it is the ingratitude between him and the people . And if he saw that the imam gave him stationery, then he is fulfilling a need for him, then he raises it to him . Al-Qurtas indicates an ambiguous matter, for the Almighty says : “You shall make it clear to Qratis .”