
The cowardice : denotes the Hereafter because it is its passengers and to it, the one who reached it goes to it, and it is the confinement of those who reached it, and it may indicate the abode of bondage, asceticism, worship, abandonment of the world, weeping and sermons, because its people in their distancing from people is a lesson to those who visited them and a sermon to those who saw them and their conditions and their exhausted bodies and their divisions were revealed to him The crushed, and the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, called it when he entered it and greeted its inhabitants : the abode of a people of believers . Perhaps it indicates death because it is his home, and it may refer to the house of the infidels, the people of innovation, and the community of the dhimmis because those in it are dead . Death in interpretation is the corruption of religion, and it may indicate the role of the underestimated by destructive deeds and corruption, such as the role of adulterers and the role of alcohol in which the drunk are tossed away like the dead, and the role of the heedless who do not pray and do not remember God Almighty and do not raise them to deeds, and it may indicate imprisonment because the dead is imprisoned in his grave. He entered a cemetery in a dream and was sick while awake, he became to her and died of his ailment, especially if there was a house or a house in it, and if he was not sick then look, and if he was in the time of his entrance reverence crying in his eyes or following the Book of God Almighty or praying to the qiblah, then he is the entrance for the people of Goodness, shaved the remembrance of the dhikr, and he received the ritual ritual and benefited from what he saw or heard, and if it was when he entered it laughing or exposed to the badness or wailing on the graves or walking with the dead, then it enters the people of evil, immorality and corruption of religion mixing them on what they are on, and if he enters it with the adhaan, he preaches the one who does not teach and enjoins good He who does not perform the act, rises in truth, and testifies truthfully among an ignorant, ignorant or disbeliever people, and as for those who saw the dead and rose from their graves or returned to their homes unknown unknown, then he will leave prison or deliver the people of a city to polytheists or sprout what the people planted of love on the earth from what they were so miserable of Forever a To diminish as much as the increase in the vision and the evident evidences and predominant matters in the awakening .