
Mosques : The mosque denotes the Hereafter because it is sought in it, just as the garbage dump indicates the world, and it indicates the Kaaba because it is the house of God, and it indicates the places that combine wind, benefit, reward and help, such as the house of the ruler, the circle of remembrance, the season, the ribat, the field of war, and the market because it is the market for the hereafter . Then every mosque indicates its manner in its size, fame and essence . Whoever builds a mosque in a dream, and if he is worthy of the judiciary, he will obtain it, and likewise if it is a subject of the fatwa and he may indicate in the world a useful work of classification, and in the papers to a Qur’an he writes, and in the bachelors on marriage and marriage, and for the students of money and the world on a building that he builds on which the yields and the benefits of which last. Such as the bathroom, the hotel, the store, the oven, the ship, and the like, because of the current reward in the mosque with the abundance of profits in it in congregational prayer, and people come to it from every side, and enter it without permission . And whoever in his awakening influenced the world and its money, or was influencing its afterlife on its urgency, the winning proverbs returned to the profits and benefits in this world for him, or to the hereafter and the reward in the future which is his demand in his awakening . As for the one who demolishes a mosque, he is going against the one who built it, and he may infer the vulgarity of his situation by the one who builds it in its place or makes it happen in its place after demolishing it, so if he builds a store he favors the world over the Hereafter, and if he builds a bath, his debt is corrupted because of a woman, and if he digs a hole in its place, he is sinning Whoever is a compulsive deceit, or for the sake of a group that separated him from knowledge, goodness and deeds, or for the sake of a ruler who dismissed him, or a righteous man who killed him, or a place in which he had a vacation or a contract marriage, he corrupted and invalidated him . And if he sees himself stripped of clothes in a mosque, he will be stripped of what is appropriate for him from the signs of the mosque, and if that is during the days of Hajj, then he will perform Hajj, God willing, especially if he is giving the call to prayer, and if he is guilty, he goes out of what he is in to repentance and obedience, and if he prays in it on the basis of repentance and obedience. A situation other than the direction of the direction of prayer in the face of the storm, because he is devoted to seeking the world in a market of markets and a season of seasons, in which he is deprived of what he hoped for, and in it he loses everything that he bought and sold, due to the corruption of his prayer and the loss of his labor . This may indicate the corruption of what is included in his negligence of the forbidden and usury if it is met by it .. As for the Sacred Mosque, it indicates the pilgrimage to those who deny it or give permission, even if that is not in the days of Hajj with its essence in that and its evidence, because the Kaaba that the pilgrimage is in it . It may denote the forbidden house of the Sultan who wants it from whose income he is safe, the house of the world, the mosque of Medina, and the great market of great and forbidden affairs, such as the exchange market and the goldsmiths because of the large number of inquiries that are required in it and what enters into its people of forbidden, shortage and sin, as well as all the forbidden by what is human in it The guardian is required to avoid doing forbidden things, from trespassing on animals, and from causing harm .