the village

The village : the well-known denotes itself and its people and what comes from it and is known by it, because the place indicates its people, as the Almighty said : “ Ask the village, ” meaning its people . Perhaps the village indicated the abode of injustice, heresies, corruption, departure from the group, and deviation from the community of opinion of the people of Medina, and that is why God Almighty named the role of the oppressors in his book in the villages . It may refer to the ants ’house, and the ants’ house refers to the village, because the Arabs call it a village . Whoever demolishes a village or spoils it, or sees it ruined and those who are in it are gone, or a torrent is gone in it or burned with fire, and if it is known, authority is running over it, and this may indicate locusts, wilderness, sprigs, and usury . And fill in the anthill in the roof of the house, as well as in the upside down who made that with the alcove of ants or snakes, except for the people of the village with injustice and aggression, and on a church or house famous for immorality, and whoever sees that he has entered a fortified village, he kills or fights because God Almighty says : “They do not fight all of you except In fortified villages . ~ And it was said that whoever saw that he was passing from country to village, then he would choose a lowly matter over a fine matter, or he has done a good deed that he thinks is good, or he has done good that he thinks is evil, then he returns from it, and not with assertion, and if he sees that he entered a village, then it follows Sultan, if he departs from a village, then he will escape from hardship and rest, because God Almighty says : ~ Bring us out of this village the oppressor of its people .~ If he sees that a prosperous village has been ruined and farms are idle, then it is a misguidance or misfortune for its owners . And if he sees it full, then he is the goodness of the religion of its masters .