Home facilities

House facilities : kitchen : cooker . Al-Mubarraz : A woman, if he is spacious, clean and with no apparent smell, then his wife is well-mannered, clean, good, obedient, and less stinky, well-built . And if it is narrow and full of an excuse, and its owner cannot find a place to sit in, then it is disobedient . If it smells rotten, then it is sluggish and is famous for salad . And the depth of its well-managed and established in its affairs . And if he looked at her and saw blood in her, then his wife would come when she was menstruating, and if he saw her well filled out, then he should manage it and prevent her from spending a great deal for the man for fear of extravagance, and if he sees in his hand a tree he moves with it in the well, then in his house there is a divorced woman . If the well is full, he does not immediately fear, for his wife is pregnant . And whoever sees that he is put in a resting place, he is plotting with him, and if his door closes on him, he will die . It was mentioned in the beginning of the chapter on Al-Kunif and Al-Mubarraz that is sufficient .