
If a man sees in a dream that he is menstruating, then he comes forbidden . If a woman sees that she is menstruating, then she is in sin or confusion, and if she does ghusl she will repent of the sin and her worry is gone . And if someone who had given up on menstruation saw that she had given birth to a son, God Almighty said : ( And she laughed, so preached to her with Isaac ) , and laughter in the language : menstruation, and if she thinks that she is menstruating, then she is in sin, and she wants to get rid of it, and she does not prepare for salvation, because that has become a characteristic of her, so she cannot If he left him only after effort, and if she repents, she does not remain steadfast in her repentance, and likewise if her husband has intercourse with her when she is menstruating, then she and her husband go out of her country . And it was said : If a man sees that he is menstruating, he is lying . And if he sees his woman menstruating, his matter is closed to her . And it was said : menstruation is cupping or phlebotomy . And it was said : Menstruation is a devil, and whoever sees Satan has seen menstruation . And menstruation is a lack of religion, fasting and prayer . It was said : Menstruation is a disease . And a single woman who is desperate of menstruation, if she sees menstruation in a dream, indicates that for the husband . If she is menstruating, this indicates bleeding . Likewise, urinary incontinence if a man sees it in a dream . Perhaps menstruation and menstruation indicate distress and separation between spouses . Perhaps menstruation indicated sterile pregnancy children . Menstruation and the birth of a boy . If a man sees that he is menstruating and has intercourse with money, it is permissible for him to have intercourse . And whoever sees his woman menstruating, his industry will be exhausted .