
Thunderbolts : denotes the needs and calamities that our Lord afflicts with whom He wills and disperses them from whom He wills . Such as locusts, hail, winds, thunderbolts, sickles, brambles, smallpox, plague, and fever, because people are terrified of them, and their vibration with them and their yellowing of their sense, while spoiling and destroying them when they encounter them . It may indicate great health and a great command, which comes from the king, in which there is destruction, fondness, or destruction . It may indicate the advent of an unjust ruler, and his descent on the land in which it fell . It may indicate other than that from the well-known incidents and Tuaregs mentioned, which people seek to locate and test their condition, such as gruesome death, fire, demolition and thieves . Whoever saw a thunderbolt that fell in his home, if he was sick, he died, and if he was absent from it, he gave his obituary, and if there was suspicion and corruption, a worker would descend it and a police owner guarded it, and if its owner roamed the Sultan, he carried out his order, otherwise a thief knocked on him, or a fire happened to him. Or demolishing, to the extent of increasing the vision, and what God Almighty will help him to pass through . And if he sees lightning strikes falling in the rounds, then maybe there are people among the people who give in the absence of the pilgrims or the Mujahideen, or a fond of people being thrown at me . And if it falls in acres and orchards, then the mosques of the owners of tithes and collections, and that place is covered with injustice and corruption .