It spins in the sky, then descends and is raised to it

If he sees as if he is spinning in the sky and then descending, then he learns the science of astrology and the mysterious sciences and becomes mentioned among people . If he sees it as if he relied on it, then he will gain leadership and victory for his opponents . It was narrated that a man came to Ibn Sirin and said : I saw three people whom I do not know. He raised one of them to the sky, then he locked the other between heaven and earth, and kneeled the other on his face in prostration. Ibn Sirin said : As for the one who was raised to the sky, it is the trust that was raised from among the people. The one who is trapped between heaven and earth, it is the trust that has been cut off, and as for the one who is prostrating, it is the prayer to which the ummah is the ultimate .