The wind

Al-Wind : denotes the authority in itself for its power and authority over the creatures without them, with their benefit and harm . Perhaps it indicated the king of the Sultan, his soldiers, his orders, his accidents, his servants and his assistants, and she was a servant of Solomon, peace be upon him . Perhaps it indicated torment, pests, and pests because they occurred when they were raging, and the many trees that fell and drowned from ships in them, especially if it was a wasp, and because it was the wind that perished, it returned with it, and because it is a wind that does not pollinate . And perhaps the wind indicated fertility, livelihood, victory, victory and good news, because God Almighty sends them through the hands of His mercy and spares ships running by His command, so how about them if they are from pollen winds, when they return from them from the goodness of plants and fruits, which is boyhood and he, may God bless him and grant him peace, said. : ~I conquered youth and perished . He returned with the hornet .~ And the Arabs call boyhood acceptance because it corresponds to the wasp, and if acceptance and the hornet were not inferred except by its name, that is sufficient . Perhaps the wind indicates illnesses and illnesses and raging in people, such as colds and headaches, and among them is what people say at that this is a raging wind, because it is a disease created by God Almighty when a wind blows and air is changed or separated . Whoever sees a wind that carries it and carries it without fear, fear, darkness or fog, then he owns people if it is appropriate for him to do that, or he heads over them and they make fun of his service with glory, or he travels in the sea intact if he is from the people of that or who hopes him, or his industry is spent if It was sluggish . Or under him a wind that carries him and raises him, and provides sustenance if he is poor, and if he raises it up and goes with it, it is pulled away and he is afraid and terrible anxiety . Or it had darkness, dust, disturbance and sense, and if it was in a ship, it was damaged by it, and if it was in an illness it increased by it, otherwise it will be hit by earthquakes and accidents, or it will go out in it, or the command of the Sultan or the ruler ends in it to what he reached in a dream . If none of that was to be hit by a dusty sedition with winds and disturbing earthquakes . If he sees the wind in that case uprooting trees and destroying walls, or flying people, animals, or food, then it is a general affliction among people, either a plague, a sword, a sedition, a raid, a captivity, an affair, an injustice and the like . If the general wind was silent or it was from pollen winds, then if the people were in injustice, distress, epidemic, or besieged by an enemy, their conditions changed, their affairs moved and their concerns relieved . Poison wind is warm diseases . And the wind with yellow is a disease, and the wind with thunder is unjust power with strength . And whoever carried the wind from one place to another, he hit a ruler or traveled a journey from which he did not return, because God Almighty said : “ Or the wind will fall with it in a place far away .” The fall of the wind on a city or army, and if they were in a war, they perished, and the soft and clear wind is good and blessing, and the stormy wind is the oppression of the Sultan, and the wind with dust is a sign of war .