Does he count seeing someone who slept for a very short time?

Does it count to see someone who slept for a very short time, such as a person who sleeps a short sleep during the day, or puts his hand on the desk, during work, for example, and then falls asleep for a very short nap, and some may even relax at the traffic lights and close their eyes, and see this moment as a sleep Or a vision, are these visions reliable, and do they express ….. ? This is a question frequently asked by those interested in this art, and my answer to it is that visions in such cases are reliable and expressive, and they may even be truer than the visions that are seen with a long, drawn-out sleep . So you find scientists who are interested in this art prefer visions of witchcraft, or naps; It is a midday sleep, unlike others . Some have inferred their words with the hadith of Abu Sa`id [the most truthful of the revelation by the sorcerers ], which was provided by Ahmad with a marfoo ‘and authenticated by Ibn Hibban . In Al-Fath, Ibn Hajar called the chapter on the night vision, and he said, explaining it : That is, a person’s vision at night, does his visions in the day equal or differ, and are there differences between the times of each? It was mentioned that Nasr bin Yaqoub al-Dinouri said : The interpretation of the vision at the beginning of the night slows down its interpretation, and from the second half it speeds up with the varying parts of the night, and that the fastest interpretation of the visions of magic, especially when dawn breaks . On the authority of Jaafar al-Sadiq : That the fastest interpretation of the vision of the siesta is . And if all of this is in preference to the vision of the day over the vision of the night, then we find some say that there is equal between them, and that there is no difference between them, and from what came from what was narrated about this is what came in Sahih al-Bukhari, on the authority of Ibn Sirin who said : The vision of the day is like the vision of the night . Al-Qayrawani said, explaining to her : That is, there is no difference in the ruling of the phrase between night and day visions, as well as the vision of women and men.