The soldier

Soldiers The soldiers in a dream are the soldiers of God Almighty, and they are the angels of mercy . If a person sees that he is a soldier eating the livelihood of a king in his office, then he follows the mandate . Effortless . And whoever sees that his name is confirmed in the divan, he will obtain good, hope for it, or obtain the least that he wishes . And whoever sees himself as a soldier, if he is sick, he will die. Otherwise, it indicates distress and loss. Regarding slaves, it indicates that they will be honored without being freed . And whoever saw the assembled soldiers indicated that to support the righteous . The lack of soldiers will guide the nail . Seeing a soldier with a whip or a crossbow in his hand indicates his good living . And whoever sees in a dream coming soldiers from the Levant, Iraq, or Yemen, this is evidence of the difference in the word . Seeing the armies indicates fear. If the army of the infidels was more gathered than the army of Islam, then Islam will prevail in awakening . And if the soldiers have a prophet, king, or scholar with them, that is a victory for the monotheists . And it was said : The soldiers are a victory for the believers and a revenge against the oppressors .