Does Imam Muhammad bin Sirin have a book on the interpretation of dreams?

Does Imam Muhammad bin Sirin have a book on the interpretation of dreams? This issue is one of the issues in which a big mistake occurred ; Most people see that many attribute the most famous book on dreams to Imam Muhammad bin Sirin , while the correct view is that this is not true . But where he came from this book then ? What should I do in this matter ? So I say : It is not correct to attribute any book on the interpretation of the vision , such as : “The expression of the vision ,” or “The chosen speech in the interpretation of dreams ,” or others for it , and it has been proven that Ibn Sirin said : If you were a book, you would not take the messages of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him. . It means that he did not take a book originally . And further evidence : that the book attributed to him has many narrations from who is after Imam Muhammad bin Sirin who died in year : 110 AH , such as : Abu Saeed the preacher and jealousy , and all of the earlier scholars who translated to Ibn Sirin did not mention that it is a thousand , neither in expression , nor in jealousy Rather , they said that some things were cursed by him in that, including those who narrate his curse with the chain of transmission , as Imam Bukhari did in al-Sahih . Among those who attributed him by mistake : Ibn al-Nadim in “ Al-Fihrist ” p. 439, and Al- Khalil in “ Tabaqat al- Ma`bareen ”, and Ibn Shaheen in al- Ishārat p. 24, but they did not mention the authenticity of the percentage of the book has a correct evidence , and you may ask here : Who is the famous book attributed to Ibn Sirin if ? I say : is also more than one of the interrogators told Abu Said preacher , and who said this world famous bin Hassan in writing , ~ he wrote scientists warned about ~ c 2, p . 275 to 284.