Defining visions and dreams in terms of language

The definition of visions and dreams in terms of the language of visions is a plural of visions and may be uttered without humming on actual weight . It is in the language what is seen in sleep, derived from the verb saw . It is originally a source like the left . When I made a name when the sleeper imagined, the course of names and vision was made with a distraction to perceive the time with the sense of sight . And to those whose visions abound : ( see ). The dream of annexing ha and soothing lam . It is permissible to join them, so it is said : Dream . A dream is derived from a dream, and its meaning is a vision in his sleep . Said : the dream of something which he saw in his sleep and the dream of a dream and its meaning from behind in his vision is said to dream Balhi any spotted in his dream curse any opinion of his vision and combine : dreams ask here how many times received the word dreams in the Koran received this word in the Koran twice : 1 – the verse ( they said dreams and what we interpret dreams Avalim ) [ Yusuf : 44] 2 – the verse ( but they dreams but forged it is a poet Vlaotna verse sent ancients as ) [ prophets : 5] the initial verse regarding Joseph with King . And the second in the story of the Arab polytheists mocking Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace (1), may God bless him and grant him peace . And also ask the word received a vision in the Koran? Received the word of Revelation in the Koran ) four times are as follows : A – verse : O public Please advise me in my vision, if ye vision pass over [ Yusuf : 43] 2 – the verse : And We made the vision that Orinacc only a temptation for people and the tree cursed in the Koran and only increase them Nkhuvhm what a great tyranny [ Isra : 60] 7 – verse : Revelation has also ratified Verily We recompense benefactors ( Saaffaat : 105 ). 4 – saying the Almighty : The sincerity of God , His Messenger , the vision of the right ( open : 27 ). (1) The first verse concerning the king with Joseph and the second verse to be appointed by the vision of the prophet show her peace be upon him the night of the family to the holy house where . He wanted to slaughter, and the fourth was in the matter of seeing the Messenger when he thought that he would enter Makkah and perform Umrah . ___________________________________ (1 ) See : Concordance of words Koran • Mohamed Fouad Abdul Baki . The Revival of Arab Heritage House – Beirut – Lebanon – No History Article ( Daghth ) p. 421 * Quoted from Dr. Fahd Al-Osaimi .