How deaf people dream ?? Do they hear the sound in their dreams?

How deaf people dream ?? Do they hear the sound in their dreams? Does a nightmare come to them? Does a person born deaf differ in dreams, seeing them, and imagining the sounds of what they see, and whoever became deaf later? These are several questions that may come to the mind of anyone interested, or a specialist in the science of dream expression, and it also draws the attention of everyone who loves this art as well. How can a deaf dream? How can his dreams be explained? Is his symbolic language sufficient for understanding? And when a normal person translates this kinetic language, after receiving it from them, into a spoken language; Will this be enough, and then can their visions be expressed? Is the language of the translator here leading to the exact meaning that the deaf person wants? In the beginning, there is a difference between the one who was born deaf and the one who was able to hear, but later became deaf … and each of these two sections has his own way of dreaming … and this is what I will detail in the next article … Who is born able to hear Then he became completely deaf, so he will most likely see the dream, and he will not hear the sound, but when he tells you his vision that he saw, after his deafness, he will tell you what he saw, and he will measure what he sees of the things that he saw, and he did not hear them, according to what he was reducing and keeping in his memory Before he became deaf . As for the one who was born deaf, all of these people can never hear the voices, so they see the different scenes and scenes in their dreams without a sound, and he may see multiple scenes, of people or inanimate objects, or he may see his parents, for example, or his relatives, or his friends, etc., and by mixing with them and hearing from them, he found They often see those who agree with them with this disability; The explanation for this is that they are very close to them emotionally, or spatially, so it is not surprising that they are close to their souls as well, if the state of sleep has risen, and the souls, as mentioned in the Sahih, are recruited soldiers, so they are not close to them, and what is repudiated by them is different, so the sleeper meets in sleep in general, both of them And his friend is one of the people of this world, and it is measured against these deaf people, so they see a lot of deaf people . Now that we know how deaf people see visions, then we have a very important issue. Which is how can interpret their visions? Will sign language – whether from the translator or from the deaf himself – be sufficient to understand the symbolic language that comes from them for the crossing? I say, here is a very important matter, for the language to which expression is referred to is the language of the speaker when the deaf narrates it to the hearer, whether the hearer is the crossing and here the language is what the crossing understands according to his own culture, or the hearer is the translator for the one who will cross, and here you will be guided by the translator’s language and culture So, the crossing must be aware of this and try to be honest in conveying visions of such people, as the deaf person may want a word or a specific sentence, and the translator of his symbols expresses a word or another sentence …. This is very illusory, especially when the word is Substituted, it leads to a completely different meaning …. When expressing, and this task must be paid attention to by the expresser, to make sure before the expression of the symbol that the deaf wanted, and this is done by asking him to whom he translated for him …. or by asking the deaf himself about what he intended to refer to him in a manner. Accurate, because some signs in the language of the deaf signify multiple verbal connotations, as I understood it by translators, and as I saw it in their pictorial language, and I took a vision of a deaf person in my program and on the air live in the Al-Raya channel, and when the translator appeared to the deaf by translating it, I was amazed at the word he said, He wanted to express where the finger came out in the shoe, so he said: Ring !! And when I asked him if this is what the deaf himself expressed? He replied in the negative and that this is from his words: He calls this part of the shoe a ring …. while you find someone who calls this type, for example, the toe of shoes, and measure a lot of words with broad meanings, for example. And he knows it or is interested in differentiating between them, the crossing only . . .