Is there a relationship between the truthfulness of the hadith and the truthfulness of the vision?

Is there a relationship between the truthfulness of the hadith and the truthfulness of the vision? He, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, says : “ If the time approaches, the Muslim’s vision will hardly lie, and he will believe you in a modern vision that is most truthful to you ….) _ Hadith _ ( Al-Fath _ 12/406) His answer in his saying : ((And I believe you are a vision that most sincerely you )) There is a strong relationship Because whoever has a lot of sincerity, his heart is enlightened and his awareness is strong, so the meanings are firmly established in him in the sense of truth. This is a reason, and the second reason : that whoever is most in a state of honesty in wakefulness has accompanied this in his sleep, he does not see anything but truth, and this is unlike others, such as a liar or one who mixes truthfulness with lying, it affects this Lying to his heart is corrupted and wronged, so he sees nothing but confusion and frustration, and this may come to contradict it sometimes, although it is rare, and the truthful person sees what is not true, and the liar sees what is true, as we explained from the vision of the king and the companion who saw his head cut off, as we explained from the vision of the king and the companions He who saw his head be cut off and running in front of him, but what I mentioned here is the most prevalent, and God knows best and therefore and God knows best, so he issued this nation better in condition and sayings and therefore their visions did not lie, then those who followed them had less religion and adherence to virtues and these are the most truthful ones, and God knows best . We have previously said : What is meant is the proximity of time, i.e., its proximity to the Day of Resurrection, and the wisdom in regard to that at the end of time is : that the believer at that time will be strange as in the hadith : (( Islam began strange and will return strange )) _ Muslim reported it, ( see explanation of the Muslim nuclear _2 / 176) and in which at least Anis insured and certain at the time, Vikram vision sincere ( Ibn Hajar _12 / 206) shall be his entertainment and Anisa with a predominance of infidelity, ignorance , and the small number of believers .