The scorpion

Scorpio is in a dream denotes the worry and distress of the gossiping person . And the scorpion is a gossip among people . A scorpion bites a virtue that a person becomes, and if a scorpion strikes him, the enemy will backbite him or find something wrong . And the burning of scorpions in his house the death of his enemies . If eating a cooked or grilled scorpion meat, it will gain money from the enemy of a gossip, like a permissible inheritance, and if it is raw, then it is forbidden . If he sees a scorpion in his shirt or his shop, then it is an enemy and a concern for his livelihood and earning, and if he sees it on his bed, then it is an enemy while they are in his family . If he sees scorpions in his stomach, then they are his enemies from his workers . And if it comes out of his anus, then they are his enemies from his descendants, or an enmity between them . And whoever eats a raw scorpion, he will backbite a debaucher . And the scorpion denotes a man who does not know his friend from his enemy . The scorpion is a weak enemy . And whoever sees that he has killed a scorpion, he will win his enemy . And whoever sees that he has a scorpion in his hand that stings people, then he is a person who backbites people and irritates one another against one another . And whoever sees the likeness of a scorpion and not a scorpion, then it is a man who thinks it is his enemy and not an enemy . And the scorpion’s thorn is the tongue of the gossiping man .