the pen

The pen is in a dream the knowledge and command, and the prohibition and the guardian . If a writer sees that he has a pen or newspaper in hand, then he is safe from poverty . At the service of a king . And the pen evaluated everything . It was said : The pen was born a writer . And whoever sees that he has hit a pen, he will hit a flag, and if he writes with it, that pen will be in the meaning of the sciences written with it . And the pen is a state . And whoever sees in his hand a pen with a pen next to him, then he is a brother to meet with him, and if his mother is pregnant, she puts a brother . The pens are a guarantee for whoever saw it . And whoever sees a pen in his hand and takes it from authority, then he will be given a lift and a command in effect . And the pen with the inkwell was born a male . And the pen points to an oath to be sworn by whoever saw it with his hand, because God Almighty says : ( N, and the pen and what they line ). If the writer thinks that an accident happened with his pen, then his interpretation is in his living and his craft . And the pieces may have pointed to the track and the fingers of its bulls . And the pen indicates generosity and generosity, or on the victory of enemies . And the vision of the pen of power in a dream indicates an oath to swear . Perhaps his vision indicated science, conservation and venerable industry, and perhaps long life and livelihood .