
Flask is in a dream or going Ghulam, and was told : it is a woman for saying peace be upon him : ( Rafka Balquarir ) , and the vial woman does not keep a secret, and perhaps indicated by the disease, or the woman adulteress efforts . And the urine flask is an adulterous woman . The wine bottle is a maid reluctant to carry the dead . Perhaps the bottles indicated men of different races, and perhaps the bottles indicated gossip, knowledge of secrets, and people who have no loyalty or affection . And whoever sees that a bottle is broken, sedition will be removed from his home . A man said to me : Yesterday I saw that a dead man from our relatives said to me : He gave me this bottle of wine in it, so I gave it to him and he drank from it, then he gave it to me, so I told him this is a pregnant woman who is about to die, then he was disowned by God Almighty . He said : Yes, my sister was born, and she was about to die due to the difficulty of labor during childbirth, and then she was cured .