the T-shirt

Seen ). If the man wears it, then he will marry, and the shirt for the woman is a man who will marry him, because God Almighty says : (They are your clothes, and you are their clothing ). If the shirt is pierced, the man dispenses with his wife, and if the shirt is ruptured, it leaves her . And whoever saw that he wore a shirt without an ambush, it is according to his beauty in his religion . And whoever saw that the pocket of his shirt was torn, a door of poverty was opened to him . And whoever sees that he has many shirts, he will have a great reward and many good deeds in the hereafter . And the white shirt Dean . And whoever saw that he was given a shirt is good news . And whoever sees that his shirt is broken and dirty, then he is poverty, illusion, and severity . If a woman sees that she wore a new, wide shirt, then it is good in her religious and worldly condition, or the good condition of her husband . And the white green shirt denotes religion, the blue does not praise, the red indicates fame, and the yellow indicates illness . And the wetness in a garment indicates that something hinders him from traveling, so if the wetness becomes dry, the obstruction is removed . And whoever saw that he wore a shirt without a pocket and no clothing, indicated his death . And whoever wears a well-marked shirt, he may perform Hajj or travel . And whoever sees that he wears a short shirt that does not cover his private parts, then he falls short in his religion . And whoever wears a shirt made of wood, he will travel in the sea, even if he is sick and for fear of death . And whoever sees a verse from the Qur’an written on his shirt, he will stick to the Qur’an . And the black shirt is worry and sadness . And whoever saw a shirt upside down, his condition changed to contrary to his habit . Perhaps the shirt was the man’s house . If someone sees his shirt split in length, he is released, and if it is split wide, that is what is said about its width . And whoever sees his shirt thrown from behind him, he is accused of words said in his honor and he will be innocent of it, and if it is done in front of him, then the speech in which he is said is correct for the story of Joseph, peace be upon him . And whoever saw his shirt from the clouds, he was blessed .