The Holy Quran

Reading the Holy Quran in a dream is an honor, pleasure and victory . And if he recites the Qur’an without a Qur’an, then he is a man who is arguing about a truth and his claim is truth, and he is a revered believer who enjoins good and forbids evil . If he sees that he is reciting the Qur’an and he knows what it contains, then he is sane . And if he sees that the Qur’an is being recited to him and he does not accept it, then he is a harm from authority or punishment from God Almighty . And if my mother saw that he was reading the Qur’an, he would die . And if he sees that he completes the Qur’an, then he has many rewards with God and gets what he wishes . And whoever sees that he writes the Qur’an in clay or seashell, then he interprets it with his own opinion, and if he sees that he is writing it on the ground then he is a heretic . It was said that reading the Qur’an fulfill the needs and clear the way . And whoever sees an impartial people who read the Qur’an, then these are people with passions that they have deviated from . And whoever saw that he memorized the Qur’an but did not memorize it, he will be given a possession . And whoever sees that he hears the Qur’an, his authority is strong and his conclusion is fine, and he is spared from the plots of the cruelers . And whoever saw that he was reciting something from the Qur’an and was sick, God Almighty would heal him, for the Almighty said : ( And we send down from the Qur’an what is a healing and mercy for the believers ). The recitation of the Qur’an indicates the abundance of good deeds and the high degrees .