
Cemetery If you dream that you are in a beautiful and well-kept cemetery, you will receive unexpected news of the healing of a person whom you mourned, considering him dead, and you will find your appropriate legal right in lands occupied by usurers and usurpers . If you see an abandoned cemetery and a blackberry plant has grown in it, you will live to witness all your friends who have left you, and you will be left in the custody of strangers . If young men dream of wandering among the paths of the silent dead, this foretells that they will encounter sympathy and an intimate response from friends . But they will have to meet sorrows because friends cannot avoid them . If a bride dreams about crossing a cemetery on her way to the wedding ceremony, she will be deprived of her husband due to violent events that take place during the travels . If a mother dreamed that she was carrying ripe flowers to a cemetery, this indicates an expectation of continuing good health in her family . If a young widow dreams that she is visiting a cemetery, this means that she will throw aside the mourning clothes for the sake of marriage ropes . If she feels sad and hopeless, she will encounter new worries and regret . If the elderly dream of a cemetery, this indicates that they will soon make other trips to where they will find complete rest . If you see young children gathering flowers and chasing butterflies between the graves, this indicates successful changes and you will not cry over any of your friends’ graves . The joyful masquerade parties will be healthy .