
Rubber If you dreamed that you wore a rubber suit, this foretells that you will be respected and honored due to the high morals and purity of your character . If your suit is lace or worn out, you should be careful with your behavior as rumors can attack your reputation . If you dreamed that you used rubber in general, this foretells that you will be uncomplicated in choosing friends and having fun . If you dreamed that your limbs stretched like rubber, this foretells that diseases will threaten you, and you may resort to fraud and deception to conduct your business . If you dreamed of goods made of rubber, this foretells that your affairs will go according to hidden secret grounds, and that your companions will fail to understand your personality in many cases . If you dreamed of rubber, this means negative changes in your trading conditions . If you extend it, you will try to establish a project greater than your potential .