
The stomach indicates someone who is sleeping with him or leaving him in a dream . And indicates prison, grave, secret, health, sickness and friend . And whoever has deviated his stomach in a dream, and has possession of it, his benefit from it is suspended, and his secret may be revealed . Or he lost his wife, and if she was a pregnant woman, her pregnancy was released from her, and if something appeared or came out of his intestine, his prisoner would be released . And if he loses his belly, his friend, guardian, or ruler will die over his money, and perhaps she will abstain and worship and leave food and drink . If a fire came out from his stomach, it indicated his repentance from eating the money of orphans, and if he was one of those who eats from the forbidden utensils, he indicates his abstinence in them . And belly belly valley . Perhaps the belly in the interpretation is evidence of what was indicated by the leg of the clan and tribe . And perhaps indicated by the bunnah . And to enter the stomach, travel or prison . And if he sees pus or a boil in his stomach, it indicates that he is exposed to something that is not permissible for him to eat or to sleep with him . If he has a good stomach, or if he grows up, he is not repulsive to a body that indicates knowledge and leadership . And perhaps the belly indicates the hidden in religion, the concealment, hatred and hypocrisy of the apparent and the subsoil of money and a child . So whoever sees that his stomach has become small, his money or his son will be less . And whoever sees that there is great in him, his money or his son will increase . And whoever saw that his stomach was empty, then he lacked his money or his son . And it was said : He is free from the forbidden stomach . The belly may be a man’s ship, so what he saw of an accident in it is an accident in his ship . And whoever saw that he was in his mother’s womb, then he was in another country, he returned to his place and hometown, and if he was sick he was buried in the ground, and if it was true, he was sentenced to imprisonment . And the abdomen indicates a person’s home and his livestock, his liver is his son, his heart is his son, the lung of his servant or daughter, his paw is his bag, and his throat is his life . And whoever saw that his house was destroyed and he was sick in the stomach died . If he saw that he had embarked on building or repairing them, he would recover from his misfortune if he had completed the construction, otherwise he would remain from the days of his life as much as what remained of the structure . The human belly is his ship, his head is its heart, and his throat is its mast, and his ribs are its walls . And whoever saw his stomach torn and his intestines flowed, his ship was damaged . And it was said : The bone of the abdomen ate usury and walking on the stomach is dependent on money .