The mill

The mill The mill that grinds the wheat indicates the abode of knowledge in which the truth is separated from the falsehood, and the house of the ruler because of the income and output, the measure and the balance, the justice and fairness, and it indicates the livelihood and the benefit, and it indicates the two spouses to commit the two stones one above the other and the flour coming out between them . Perhaps the mill indicated the worry and agony, or the waterwheel for the rotation of the wheel in it . If the mill was grinding people, it indicates sedition and the departure of spirits . If you grind what cannot be eaten in a dream indicates aridity and high prices . And if its minute increased and its stores were full, this indicates livelihood, cheapness, and a cure for diseases . As for milling lichens, marshmallows, henna and the like, they are indicative of purity, the elimination of diseases, the removal of worries, and the elimination of debts .