Table vision

As for al-Ma’idah : It was narrated that some of them saw as if a telephone was heard hearing his voice and not seeing his person reciting this verse : “ O God, our Lord, bring down a table on us from the sky .” He recounted his vision on the crossing, and he said : You are in difficulty and pray to God Almighty for relief and ease, and he will answer you . It was as he said . The expressers differed in the interpretation of the table. Some of them said that the table was an honorable and generous man, and sitting on it was his company, and eating from it would benefit from it . If there are men with him at that table, then he frustrates a people with pleasure, and between him and them there is a dispute over a matter of living for him, and the many pure fluffs and good food on the table are evidence of their great affection, and some of them said the table is religion . It was narrated that a man came to the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and said : O Messenger of God, yesterday I saw a green lawn with a set table, and a pulpit with seven steps, and I saw you, O Messenger of God, you rose to the seventh, calling for it and calling people to the table . He, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said : As for the table, Islam, and the green lawn is heaven, and the pulpit is seven degrees, so the world remained seven thousand years, of which six thousand years passed, and I became seven . And the appeal, I invite creation to Heaven and Islam . And some of them said : Al-Ma’idah is an advice on it that needs helpers from a town building or a village building . And some of them said the table is a man’s woman . And he said that some of them saw as if they were eating at a table . Whenever he extended his hand to it, the hand of a blond dog came out from under the table, and he ate with him . He recounted his vision on a crossing and said : If your vision is true, then a young Saqlabah boy will share with you with your wife . He searched for the matter and found it as he said . And if he sees loaves spread on the table, then an enemy appears to him . And if he saw that he was eating from it, a dispute would arise between him and his enemy, according to the saying of some expressers . And it was said that he ate at the table he ate a lot more than his habit of like it, this indicates the length of his life as much as he ate . And if he saw that that table had been raised, he would have run out of life . And it was said that if he sees one or two colors of food on the table, then it is provision that he can reach . And to his children, based on what the Almighty said: ~ Bring down to us a table from heaven .~ And it was said that the table is a spoil in danger, and that spoil has passed away . It was said that it was the food and the subsistence of those who had and ate from it . If it is on her alone, then it is not contested . And if she had someone else, that was the brothers involved . And the frequent fluttering of their affection, and the lack of their lack of affection . A loaf of love is Sunnah, and if he sees that he is spreading food, then it is his disregard for the grace of God Almighty . And Mamlouk saw as if his master’s table had gone out and fled as the animal ran away. When she came to the door, she was broken, so he suggested to him that the wife of his master had died from that day and destroyed all that she had, and that was a duty, because he saw the table on which he was served was broken . As for the trip : a great journey that attains capacity in it, and it was said that it is a journey to a king of great significance, and gaining capacity and comfort for those who find it, because it is the mineral of food and eating .